The Rotary Foundation

Rotary Foundation

Rotary Foundation 2024

The Rotary Foundation has spent more than US$4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects since its founding in 1917.

Worldwide, 1,285 Global Grants, 105 Disaster Response Grants, 485 District Grants and 1 Program of Scale Grant with a total amount of more than USD 118 million were approved in the Rotary year 2023/24.

In 2023/24, the Foundation also committed more than USD 150 million to the global eradication of polio, with USD 50 million donated by Rotary members and USD 100 million contributed by Bill & Melinda Gates.  

The Rotary Foundation in District 2000

At $79 EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) per member in our district, a new high in contributions to the Foundation was reached. Total donations to the Annual Fund amounted to almost USD 350,000, which is 8.5% above the previous year. A total of USD 70,000 was raised for polio in the district. A big thank you to all clubs and their members who also donated to the Rotary Foundation in 2023/24.

For the current club year 2024/25, the Foundation Committee was able to support 6 projects with a district grant totaling USD 44,000.

In the Rotary year 2023/24, 7 new global grant projects were also approved in District 2000. They benefit from more than USD 115,000 from Foundation funds, which are made up of district funds and an 80% grant from the World Fund. The projects are located in Ukraine, Switzerland, Uganda, Ecuador and Italy. 

Further information can be found in the DRFC Annual Report 2023-24 (in German).

Grant Management Seminar 2025

Participation on one of the above dates is mandatory for the qualification.

PolioPlus Society

A growing number of Rotarians are pledging to contribute an amount of at least 100 Swiss Francs annually to The Rotary Foundation's PolioPlus Fund until global polio eradication is officially certified by the World Health Organization (expected in 2030).

PolioPlus Society members receive a pin certifying their long-term contribution to this effort, as well as a certificate of participation. These contributions also help earn points toward Paul Harris Fellowships.

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Donations to The Rotary Foundation

We encourage all Rotary clubs in District 2000 to make an EREY contribution for the current club year. This ensures that we continue to have sufficient funds available to co-finance your projects as part of a district or global grant. Your contributions will be counted for the current year.

Donations account